Sunday, March 4, 2018

Just 17 Days! Whoopee!

The countdown has begun. Just 17—seventeen—XVII more days until Amazon publishes the paper and the e-book version of Prayer Wasn’t Enough. My stomach flutters with excitement. The pinball machine of my brain races round and round, bumping into ideas from when A Cat’s Life: Dulcy’s Story was published then skittering to today and its social media.

“So what’s the big deal?” you ask. “When was prayer not enough?”

Fifty-two years ago that’s when!

That’s when I left the convent. I left mute, unable to engage in conversation. I left gaunt, having gone from 118 to 103 pounds. I left with my deep desire to be a nun and to pray shrouded in ice.  
I felt nothing fifty-two years ago.

Yet sixty years ago, I was excited, eager, enthusiastic about entering the convent, sure that I was going to become a saint. All I had to do was become perfect. Easy-peasy!

And that of course is the arc of Prayer Wasn’t Enough—the story of an emotionally and spiritually immature young woman who thought that if she became perfect everyone would love her; no one would desert her. She entered feeling all was possible; she left feeling she was a failure.

Today and next Sunday, I’d like to share with you how this convent memoir came to be.

Following the publication in 1992 of A Cat’s Life, I wrote daily, completing several manuscripts. Despite repeatedly sending out query letters to New York agents, none of these manuscripts attracted any attention.

Someone, not sure who, once said, “Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.” So I continued to write. Then in 2014, a long-time friend offered a suggestion: “Dee, if you want to get published, write a memoir.”

 “Why? . . . My life’s so ordinary.”

 “My life’s ordinary,” she countered. “Yours is interesting.” Stunning moment.

We talked then about memoirs and the thread that could hold one together. My friend suggested that I write about the convent years. “Readers of your blog have found convent postings interesting,” she said. “Why not tell the whole story?”

Within days, I began to write of my eight-and-a-half years in a Benedictine convent. That was July of 2014. Then in August, health issues arose. They claimed most of my attention for a year.

However, by November 2015, I had a draft that was ready for first readers. Several bloggers and friends from Minnesota read it and encouraged me to continue. But once again ill health intervened. All of 2016 and several months of 2017 passed without my being able to write.

But by the summer of 2017, I was able to resume writing. I polished the earlier draft, added scenes, sewed the story together by embroidering the main theme. Two friends read the final manuscript and considered it ready for publication.

I had tried the agent route and experienced no success. I found no one who believed in the memoir enough to want to represent it. Another friend entered the picture. “Go with the self-publishing route,” she said. “That way, at least, you’ll get the story out there.”

“But how will I market it? How will people learn it’s available?”

“There are books on that! Research! You’ll find a way.”

Next week’s posting will be about the process of self-publishing. The following Sunday, I hope to share with you my marketing plans.

And then . . . then . . . on March 21 . . . Prayer Wasn’t Enough will be available through Amazon. Seventeen days! Whoopee!

Photograph from Wikipedia


  1. Will it be available in Canada? I would love to read this. Please post a link when it comes out.

    1. Dear Birdie, the book (paper and e) will be available in the early days only through Amazon. I hope that works for you. Peace.

  2. We'll be ready, too. Good for you.

    1. Dear Joanne, thanks so much. I so hope the book speaks to the experiences of other people who have tried to be perfect and realized that they'd lost touch with themselves. Peace.

  3. Replies
    1. Dear Jo-Anne, I really do feel that my life has been so ordinary. No marriage; no children; no grandchildren. But I have so enjoyed the journey! Peace.

  4. Replies
    1. Dear Troutbirder, thanks so much. When "A Cat's Life" was published by Crown in October 1992, the Stillwater library had me in come the Margaret Rivers room and do a reading and signing. It was so wonderful to look out and see more than 100 friends Minnesota faces! Peace.

  5. Seventeen days? Woo Hoo and happy dances.

    1. Dear Sue, I feel the same way.....doing my happy dance! Peace.

  6. I look forward to your next post. I'll be checking online, too, just in case. I'll definitely be ordering it, Dee. Peace to you as well. :-)

    1. Dear DJan, thanks for saying you'll order it. I hope when you do, you'll leave a review. According to the books I've read, I need over 70 reviews for the algorithms of Amazon to "kick in" and put the book on page 1 when readers are searching for memoirs. Peace.

  7. As you know, I'm looking forward to your book release. I can only imagine how excited you are! I belong to a great group of memoir readers and writers on Facebook. I think you would find some readers there if you are interested.

    1. Dear Cynthia, I am very interested in finding groups that might enjoy "Prayer Wasn't Enough." As you know, I am self-publishing and so I need all the marketing help I can get.

      I'd so appreciate your sharing with me how to get in touch with this group. Thank you. Peace.

    2. Dear Cynthia, my e-mail is if you'd like to e-mail info to me about the memoir group. Thank you. Peace.

  8. Dear Dee thank you for this incredible post through which now i know you lot better.

    I found your way of writing always so deep ,serene and inspiring my friend!

    you wanted to be a nun in age when girls want to adopt fashion and boyfriend .
    you seemed ENLIGHTENED soul dear.
    and this is great that you want to publish your work .
    i strongly deeply believe that we get what we want actually so i am sure that God will make your dream come true soon and lucky readers will be able to connect with your subtle existence through your work!!!

    I wish your wait can end soon and your work will publish on 21 march as first step of SPRING :)

    1. Dear Baili, like you, I trust the Universe to manifest what is best for me. Thank you for your kind words. Your attitude toward life is inspiring, not only to me, but to all who follow your blog. Peace.

  9. Hi Dee, I'm looking forward to your book's debut! Very excited to read it. Keep us updated!

    1. Dear Deanna, I surely will keep everyone updated! This is all so exciting, but a little nerve racking also because I'm not very savvy with regard to social media. But everyone is so generous with their support. I am fortunate in my friends and fellow bloggers. Peace.

  10. I wish you the very best of luck and am looking forward to learning from you how to self-publish. (not that I’ve written anything for a long time now.)

    1. Dear Friko, thanks so much for the luck you're sending me with your wishes. And when the time come that you do return to writing, I will be happy to share with you what I've learned. I would so like to read something--much longer than a posting--that you have written. Peace.

  11. I've read just a couple of your posts here and will look up your book on Amazon. I am eager to hear more.

    1. Dear Sandi, thank you for stopping by my blog. The book's available on 3/21. Just today, my niece proofed it for errors. I so hope that it finds an audience! Peace.
