Sunday, March 15, 2020

A Poem on Coronavirus by Brother Richard Hendrick

I’d planned that this Sunday I’d begin the final postings for my experiences with psychics. I’ve shared my first and second experience, and I want to share with you’re the experience I had last March that caused me to, in a way, lose myself for several months. 

However, this morning, I received an e-mail from a friend who’s still in the convent. Both of us will be 84 soon. She lives at the convent with many elderly nuns; I live here in my home with three cats. 

But both of us are deeply aware of the crisis our world is facing today. So instead of writing about my life, I want to post this heartening and inspiring poem that Barbara sent me. It illustrates so well what Mom used to say to me—that out of all things comes good. 

Richard Hendrick wrote the poem. When I looked him up on Google, I discovered that he is a Capuchin Franciscan brother living in Ireland and he posted his poem on Facebook on Friday. His wisdom touched my life today and filled me with hope. I hope his message reaches millions of people. We all need to embrace what he is saying. Peace. 

Yes there is fear.
Yes there is isolation.
Yes there is sickness.
Yes there is even death.


They say that in Wuhan after so many years of noise you can HEAR the birds again.
They say that after just a few weeks of quiet the
sky is no longer thick with FUMES but blue and clear.

They say that in Italy people are SINGING to each other across the empty squares, keeping their windows open so that those who are alone may HEAR the sounds of families around them.

They say that in the West of Ireland a young woman is spreading fliers with her number through the neighbourhood so that the elders may have someone to call on.

All over the world people are SLOWING DOWN and reflecting and looking at their neighbours in a NEW WAY.
All over the world people are waking up to the reality of how big we really are, to our interconnectedness and to how little control we really have.
Waking up to what really matters, to the power of prayer, meditation, kindness, caring and Love.

So we pray and remember that while there is fear, there does not have to be hate.
Yes there is isolation but there does not have to be loneliness.
Yes there is sickness but there does not have to be disease of the soul.
And yes there is pain, suffering and death but there can always be a rebirth of community, peace, harmony and love.
Wake to the choices you make as to how to live today and now.
Pay attention.
The birds are singing,
the sky is clearing and Love
always encompasses us.
Open the windows of your soul and though you may not be able to touch across the empty square...... SING and give thanks for your life and all you have.
by Richard Hendrick


  1. Beautiful.

    How encouraging!

    "Yes there is sickness but there does not have to be disease of the soul."

    I think this says it all.


    1. Dear Sandi, yes, I think he reminds us of our Oneness in all things. Peace.

  2. Thank you, Dee, for sharing this. I hope that his message reaches every ear that needs to hear it. I, for one, will share. Peace, friend.

    1. Dear Karen, thanks so much for sharing this poem. It can be a blessing I think to so many of us--it certainly has been to me. Peace.

  3. This is truly beautiful.
    Thank you.
    And I want to share something a friend posted as well.
    Breaking News:

    Going outdoors Not Cancelled
    Music Not Cancelled
    Family Not Cancelled
    Reading Not Cancelled
    Friends Not Cancelled
    Singing Not Cancelled
    Laughing Not Cancelled
    Hope Not Cancelled


    1. Dear Sue, oh, I do so like "Breaking News." It's wonderful how we can send messages of hope all around the world. Peace.

    2. I like Breaking News a lot! Thanks for sharing.

  4. So heart-felt. Thanks for sharing Brother Hendrick's poem.

    1. Things have been so 'unsettled' lately (politics, weather, attitudes)... maybe this is our 'wake up' call? Thanks for sharing, Dee. And I pray you stay well.

    2. Dear Jean, you're welcome. Peace.

    3. Dear Rian, keeping up by watching the television news and reading the New York Times on line is unsettling because the news is so constant. It truly could be that this is a wake-up call for all of us. A reminder that we truly are a global community and that we are One. We are all in this together and we must be our "brother's keeper" and look for the good that is coming from this and I believe good is coming and will come. Peace.

  5. Thank you for this post, Dee.

    1. Dear Bea, you are welcomed. Take care. Peace.

  6. Replies
    1. Dear Joanne, my friend from college and convent years is herself a poet, and so when she saw this, she sent it to all of those who she knew would share it with others. Peace.

  7. It is a beautiful poem. It actually made me feel better, too. I know we will get through this, but the uncertainty is part of the difficulty. Thank you for all that you add to our world, Dee. :-)

    1. Dear DJan, yes, it makes me feel better to believe it, too. And, DJan, thank you for all that you add to our world, especially in your Sunday postings and your welcoming of friends into your world. Peace.

  8. Dear Dee, thank you so much for posting these loving, wise, and powerful words. I hope you are well. Sending love to you and the kitties.


    1. Dear Inger, I am well. Being mostly homebound, I'm not out and about much. I hope you are taking care of yourself. With your diabetes you are in the at-risk group, so please be careful. Peace.

    2. Dear Inger, being homebound, I don't get out and about much, so I am truly taking care of myself. I trust you are also. With your diabetes, you are in the at-risk group. Please take care. Peace.

  9. What beautiful poem Dee. I often thought a common fear could bring countries and all the peoples together. We would have to forget differences and work to tame the common foe. Hopefully this will help to blur the lines that separate us.
    Stay safe and well Dee.

    1. Dear Patti, my hope also is that this crisis will bring us together. Help us see that we live in Oneness.

      I so hope you also stay safe and well given your health concerns that put you in the vulnerable tier. Take care. Peace.

  10. The more places close, the less traffic and it is becoming nice and quiet. I love it.

    1. Dear Judy, isn't the quiet lovely. We can hear the birds and even the breeze that blows around the earth, connecting us. Take care and stay well. Peace.

  11. Yes, let's follow each other. And cheers to you also. Peace as well.

  12. This is such a beautiful outlook and I feel uplifted by the perspective concerning the potential positives we can all experience. What an unexpected way for us to experience the beauty in unity. Thank you, Dee. ❤️ Debra F.

    1. Dear Debra, yes, a beautiful outlook. We all know that there is going to be suffering and death. That many people will have no money for mortgage or rent. We know that life will be dire for many. Yet, he believes and so many of us, I think, believe that some good will come out of this crisis. We have to look for it and it may not reveal its depth to us for months, maybe years, maybe decades. But it will come. Peace.

  13. “Give thanks for your life and all you have.” The best advice. Gratitude is the truest antidote for fear, even in times like these when It can be hard to summon up.

    1. Dear Cynthia, I so agree with you about gratitude. And one of the things for which I'm grateful is your blog, which introduces me to so much of the history of your state and of the South. Peace.

    2. You are so kind, Dee. Thank you.

  14. what a right timing dear Dee

    i think this is one of the most beautiful and most suitable thing in such scary days
    tears in my eyes ,i am overwhelmed by all the warmth and goodness reflected by wonderful poet
    thank you so for incredible sharing
