Thursday, November 22, 2012

So Much for Which to Be Grateful

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you who have found your way to my blog this November morning. May your day be filled with overflowing gratitude for the wonders of our world and the humanity that inhabits it.
         Here's a video from YouTube in which the narrator sums up the gifts we have been given so abundantly. I hope it speaks to you as gently as it spoke to me.

 Just a reminder: Tomorrow—Black Friday—I’m thanking the Universe for the great abundance in my life by giving away free downloads of the Amazon e-books A Cat’s Life: Dulcy’s Story and A Cat’s Legacy: Dulcy’s Story (which was originally entitled Twelve Habits of Highly Successful Cats and Their Humans). Just come back to my blog tomorrow and click on the words beneath the pictures of the two covers on the right-hand side of the page. That will take you directly to the two e-books on Amazon.
         I’ll post this notification again tomorrow. Please let your feline-loving and animal-loving friends know about this gift from Dulcy and me. Peace.

Postscript: If you want to read a funny story about food and not being grateful for it, please read my posting for yesterday about white sauce! 


  1. Happy Thanksgiving! (I hope Dulcy gets some turkey too!)

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Dee. I am very grateful for your friendship.

  3. I like discovering beautifuller things, too. That's a great video. Happy Thanksgiving!


  4. Happy Thanksgiving, Dee... I'm so so so glad that we have met!!!! You are an inspiration... YES---we all have so much to be grateful for...


  5. I'm grateful that I have too much sense to be caught anywhere on black friday. I'm staying home from now until January 2, 2013.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving! Yes, we have much for which to be thankful.

    If I had an E-Reader I would accept your generous free book offer. Eventually I'll likely get one.

  7. I am grateful for YOU! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

  8. I hope you had such a wonderful Thanksgiving :0)

  9. I hope your Thanksgiving was full of love and blessings, my friend~

  10. Your blog regularly speaks to us gently...~Mary

  11. Yesterday was a day full of gratitude, Dee, and it has overflown into today. I hope yours was the same and am wondering about your squash and stuffing dish. I hope it was satisfying.

    The video did, indeed, speak gently to me, reminding me to be grateful for this day I have been given. Lovely of you to share it, Dee.

    As for Black Friday, I'll leave that to others. There is absolutely nothing I need to take me out today to the throngs of those who just have to have "it", whatever it is. Best to you, Dee.

  12. What a beautiful video!!! I LOVED it!!! thanks, Dee. :)

  13. Hello to all of you who have left a comment. I'm grateful for your Thanksgiving wishes and for your enjoyment of the video. Yesterday (Friday) I potched. That is to say, I never got out of my nightgown or robe and simply wandered through the house from refrigerator to nap time on the bed to a book and back to the kitchen. I'll surely need to go to my Weight Watchers meeting this coming Thursday and face the music.

    Among my list of people for whom I'm grateful are all of you who have blessed my life this past year. Peace now and ever and always. Dee

  14. I am just now getting back to the computer, Dee. Two very full days, but I also feel I have much to be thankful for. The little video clip is a sweet reminder and we need to carry that gratitude forward well beyond this particular season, don't we? You are such a gentle teacher, and I'm grateful for you! oxo

  15. Happy Thankkgiving in retrospect, Dee. Hope you had a lovely day.

  16. I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving and no white sauce to eat.
    I used to love it when I could still have dairy products.

    Poor little Dee; my mum had such rules too, you had to clean your plate!

  17. What a wonderful thought-provoking video. I love that little girl!

  18. In reality we all have a lot to be grateful for. Great video, Dee. Thanks for sharing.
